Wednesday, February 15, 2012


小小年纪 却已经如此成功

如果早发现 早发掘 是不是就会成功了呢?


I'm thirst for success,
and hunger for achievements.


Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.



#3 Random

Okay... today is another beautiful day~ =)

Tomorrow I can gao dim my last paper! Which is Msian study~ hoho a pass/fail subject which means Im gonna read one or two chapter only to pass since my coursework mark is already 40++. Muahahaha.

Never update my wish list since decades ago...

So here's the new ones!! =D

- I wanna go Taylor Swift's concert!!!!!
- Travel around d world!!!
- Spreading my love!! ( not sure how but im hoping thr's a way haha )
- Establish a organization.... to spread d Fun!!!
- Buy an aeroplane. hahaha so this'll make things easier since i wanna travel here n thr.

And today....
What Im going to do is,
-take a nap ( since i nvr sleep since ytd 4pm, and its 1.30 pm now! )
-study msian study paper
-go to zixin n jess's hse, sleepover!! hohoho
-masak masak d choco jelly~! =P

Recently, addicted to
-Katy perry's part of me
-safe and sound-Taylor Swift

Im gonna have a good good life!! C:

Friday, February 10, 2012

random #2

- 那天晚上,圖書館外的月亮好圓好亮。回宿舍的時候,全部旁邊的路燈都沒亮,可是我低頭卻看見自己的影子,才發現是月亮的光!然後還有很多很多星星...真美麗的夜晚。如果每顆星星都能讓我許一個願多好。:-)

- 考場外,難得出現百年難得一見的龍蛇出巢人山人海現象...勁壯觀!看到此難得一見的現象,所有考試煩惱統統拋諸腦後!

-第一次,有著不到黃河心不死的精神!感覺自己又向前踏了一步!:) keep it up yo.

- 昨天看著天色慢慢變亮的感覺很好!眾人皆睡我獨醒!所以這天是我最早插旗的啦!winner of the day!

- 今天是美好的一天!多謝然哥哥帶我去alamanda吃mum mum,陪我可愛的朋友逛cold storage carrefour. Had a great time with you! This is most probably last outing of us after you fly off. You have always been a great and awesome friend of mine. Life is no fun without you. 希望我帶給你的回憶是溫暖的!希望你想到我的時候會有好心情吧!致這位與我共同成長的朋友,一路順風,前途無量,夢想成真!<3

- 我愛Taylor Swift的歌!Almost every song of them! 我要去Taylor Swift的演唱會!(Avril Lavigne 的也很愛!yay 18th feb here i come~~!! )

- 雖然不確定明天去的seminar是什麼topic,不過據我所知是關於doing business之類的。希望有收穫!:>
