Friday, September 12, 2014


1. 今天历尽千辛万苦才能把报告交了,终于真正的无所事事了!哈哈
2. 感谢妈妈的付出,我还没对你说谢谢..但是我心里真的很感谢你没嫌弃我又给你添麻烦。爱你!
3. 最近很喜欢很喜欢一首歌,化蝶by 一个姓胡的歌手。是tvb一部剧集的歌。
4. 最近不知怎么的 好像对世界一切红尘都看开了。我的悟性好像还蛮高的。在想我前世是和尚还是道士吗?我相信轮回之说。

为什么呢?stay tune. 嘻嘻 

Monday, September 8, 2014


1. 今天看了两部电影,《绣春刀》、《her》,第一部是关于锦衣卫,第二步比较精彩,是关于人类跟虚拟人类(好像Siri)的爱情故事。
2. 睡到自然醒。
3. 读了论坛一些关于CF的industry,我想I'm on the right track. Glad that I can work in this department. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014


1. 今天懒懒散散的赖在家,跟家人一起,看电视,读报纸,过的挺暇意的。
2. 吃货的一天,不停的吃,晚上妈妈特地做三色奶茶,看相还好但味道还不错!
3. 明天不用做工!但是要开始写报告了!耶!


Knowledge 实在是太readily available 的年代,造就成每个人都更懒惰去吸收和学习,因为随时随地上网就可以知道一切为什么要花时间精神去学习。




1. 跟好友去看了一部引人深思的电影-《lucy》,很喜欢,电影里的台词都非常具有哲思,人类很渺小,却很自大。
2. 晚上的聚会吃了好多,很饱,好玩,跟小孩子一起玩让我也变的纯真,跟大人们聊天,跟亲戚做灯笼。
3. 身边的亲戚朋友都健康安好!

The truth is, all we have is NOW. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


1. 我还活在这世上!有明天就有希望!
2. 今天是实习的结束,假期的开始!
3. 今天中午跟同事上司departmental lunch @ Ozeki. 他们当是我的farewell lunch.

其实真的很感叹,mixed feelings. 
If that never happen, it's gonna be a welcoming lunch instead. 
God bless your soul, Beh. You were a good and kind young man, and I know you will definitely be remembered by your friends and family. Rest in peace. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014







有时候我觉得自己很丑很丑,眼睛那么小鼻子那么塌 脸皮那么粗 毛孔那么大 肥死了

但有时候我觉得我好像好漂亮 好好看 人见人爱 车见车载 胖些些也可爱



Sunday, August 17, 2014

The fault in our stars

Mr. Van Houten,

I'm a good person, but a shitty writer. You're a shitty person, but a good writer. I think we'd make a good team. I don't want to ask you for any favors, but if you have the time, and from what I saw, you have plenty. Please fix this for me, it's a eulogy for Hazel. She asked me to write one and I'm trying, I just I could use a little flare. See the thing is, we all want to be remembered, but Hazel is different. Hazel knows the truth. She didn't want a million admirers, she just wanted one. And she got it. Maybe she wasn't loved widely, but she was loved deeply. And isn't that more than what most of us get? When Hazel was sick, I knew I was dying, but I didn't want to say so. She was in the ICU when I snuck in for 10 minutes and I sat with her before I got caught. Her eyes were closed, her skin pale, but her hands were still her hands. So warm and her nails were painted this dark blue black color and I just held them. Then I willed myself to imagine a world without us. What a worthless world that would be. She's so beautiful, you don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she's smarter than you because you know she is. She's funny without ever being mean. I love her, God I love her. I'm so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have say in who hurts you. And I like my choices, I hope she likes hers. Okay, Hazel Grace? 

- The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

Rating : 4.5/5.0

The majority, the lucky one doesn't know how to appreciate things, or people because we always take things for granted.

Monday, August 11, 2014






Friday, May 30, 2014


Why am I such a failure ?
Every little thing also can't accomplish, 
Been wanting to get good results in spm stpm and eventually all never meet my expectation. 
And now it's just one little step away from first class honor, just 0.02 more, 
I need a lil hard work more , to get it. And why does it seems so far away now?? 

So I have to say bye bye from first class honor. Again, I failed myself from getting it, I've been aiming it since year 1 in MMU. 

Im such a useless piece of cha siew. 

Never feel so down before. Ptptn can be waived with first class honor and the 39k is my liability now. 
Fail fail fail.

Sunday, April 27, 2014



还有好多的中国古代留下来的智慧真的很值得研究,资治通鉴是另外一本我很想阅读,司马光著作,记载了一千多年的朝代盛衰兴亡,可以应用在现在管理上。(这些都是以前的学生需要读的,如果比起来以前的学生应该聪明过现代的学生,这里又有很长的故事要说,next post perhaps)





Saturday, April 26, 2014

Internship Interview

Standard chartered called me up for an interview. Long story short, I kinda screw up the interview.. Not confident that they will offer me or not.. Anyway even if they offer me I have to think twice , cuz the field that I'm interested is investment banking. 

Really in dilemma .. I do interested in stocks but is it the right field to go in? Is IB more related with corporate finance? 
But what I like is to make profit from selling and buying of stocks or forming a portfolio I would say.. 

But never try never know. 
Jiumu has been really helpful for giving me lots of suggestion and information.. She even advise me to apply to all and if really decided to go into IB then what I need to do right now is to get into Securities firm .. Definitely not commercial bank. If I get into commercial bank now, it will be harder for me to enter IB later as I have zero exposure in IB. 

Ahhhhh I really hate crossroads. :(( 

Ok I'm not gonna compromise.

I'm not 100% confident that I will love IB but I think must give it a try first to know whether it is the right industry for me or not. Cuz once I made the decision.. There's no turning back.. Oh o...... 

So that means, 
#1- if enter commercial bank, cannot go into IB later. 
#2- if enter IB, can still change later. 

RHB oh RHB can you please call me?? 

Thursday, March 27, 2014


This place is used to be a great spot for people to do their work quietly and serenely. And now I'm in starbuck studying for mid term next week and realized .. Why so bising one??!! 

Is it because the cost of living is higher now and thus Starbucks is relatively cheaper and everyone comes here.

People discussing business here, parents bring kids / grandma brings grandchildren for tea time, a group of friends come and chit chat, all sorts of formal and informal meeting... 

Ahhhh I freaking BTH the noise !! 
Want chit chat please go somewhere else.. 
So now here become the high class kopitiam for people dy. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Most anticipated Holidays are coming!

This is gonna be my second last semester break ever!!
Next sem will be my second last sem- taking two subjects during short sem, and then going for intern in the last sem!
So currently still got one more paper! Just one more!! After defeating 6 papers and after friday...

Before this coming holiday,
I really have so many things to do!! Time flies and suddenly I've already in my Final year!
Gotta make the best out of it before I graduated!

So here's my plan,

Taking part in CIMB Trail challenge on 1st March,
Going to apply for CIMA business challenge (however looking for team member, who wanna join meee? =O =O)
Work as event crew for FMFA 13-15 march
Study on stock market using technical analysis
Set up a FB page and Website for dad
Do research on CFA level 1 exam
Online research??
Finish reading my bookssss (whole lots of books waiting for meee which I bought for 2 years during big bad wolf book sales)
Prepare resume
Target companies for internship (Maybank? CIMB? Shell? IBM? PWC? urghhh...)

That‘s all and I hope I can complete my to-do-list within this three weeks!

Keep fighting for the last paper Come on!!!


Saturday, February 15, 2014


天哪啊啊啊 脑残的网民无处不在。


我很geram 啊


吃得起的人都不会有这种一般见识的third world mindset 吧。这个人讲话之前请查看什么是米其林星级。


Saturday, January 18, 2014


我的人生将会经历一连串major changes,
比如毕业,工作,拍拖,结婚,生小孩。(generally speaking,撇去我可能是剩女的可能性)






Friday, January 10, 2014

Self centered generation ?

I once heard my lecturer said
"Your generations nowadays don't care what people think of you. You guys like to post things on Facebook, eat also post, shit also post, sleep also post. Sometimes don't care what other think is good. That is call youth." 

I am very agree to what he said, but I also disagree with him in some extent. 

There is this guy I know in my class, he caught with dengue recently, so I saw on his Facebook wall, he post status when he not feeling well, he update status when he go for medical check up, he update again when he has to go for blood test, all statuses with extra descriptions like - feeling suffering , feeling dengue , feeling not got to class , feeling sleepy with a crying emotion.. Etc etc. 

In short, I call this guy, banyak pattern. 
For me myself, I will definitely not consider this guy as a qualified life partner unless this world has only two male mammal left, a King Kong and him. 

If you are seriously that sick, would you even have this time to post status up and reply to every comment that says almost the same thing : drink more water ya / take care ya / awww so kesian .. 
Disgust level : 99999 level 

Oh Man up please !!!! 

However, generation today care about what people think about them, they care a lil too much.
We care what others think about us, by removing ugly tag on Facebook (even myself do that), checkin to every luxury places we go, indirectly telling people our extravagant lifestyle, ok, most obviously you can see that from Instagram. And did 10000x attempts to get a perfect shot for new profile picture, because we care what other will comment on our new DP, (with a matching tagline).. Etc etc

Sometimes, we really care too much. 

Care for the world shall we? Lets not focus too much on ourself. No one care cause everybody is busy with their own :poop:


Friday, January 3, 2014

Opportunity cost

Why must there exist such opportunity cost? I am not the type of person who will compromise, especially between studying/working and having fun. These are not mutually exclusive event for me. Everytime no matter how urgent the assignment is, friend jio me/got dinner I will 99% attend. Okay you might think that this attitude is not good, but after all the hard work and effort I've put into study, dint I deserve something good in return? Play and work is 50%-50%!! Life is short man! 

I just wanna have fun with the friends and family and eat some good meal (shiro maguro and salmon and foie gras and 三杯鸡 on my mind now) . And tonight my beloved family going for Thai food and I can't join... 

This time, I just had to give in. 
One event on next week so start from Monday night to Wednesday night I will be so occupied and busy, 
One mid term business law next week, 
International finance assignment to submit next Monday, 
Strategic management A 1 to submit next Tuesday. 
Another strategic management  assignment 2 to submit on next Friday. 

And I really had to give in this time!!
I will be in deep shit if I can't pass up all these assignments on time. Duhhhhh. 

Okay I'm gonna admit. 
I care for these petty things!!!!
Like alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I guess I know why, because I always prefer things are in my control, like I can plan to do assignment and watch movie later, and can finish in one day.. But things now goes out of my control!! That I  can't manage to finish it D: saddest part) 

Ps. Summore feel like going to fall sick. Worst. 
