Saturday, April 26, 2014

Internship Interview

Standard chartered called me up for an interview. Long story short, I kinda screw up the interview.. Not confident that they will offer me or not.. Anyway even if they offer me I have to think twice , cuz the field that I'm interested is investment banking. 

Really in dilemma .. I do interested in stocks but is it the right field to go in? Is IB more related with corporate finance? 
But what I like is to make profit from selling and buying of stocks or forming a portfolio I would say.. 

But never try never know. 
Jiumu has been really helpful for giving me lots of suggestion and information.. She even advise me to apply to all and if really decided to go into IB then what I need to do right now is to get into Securities firm .. Definitely not commercial bank. If I get into commercial bank now, it will be harder for me to enter IB later as I have zero exposure in IB. 

Ahhhhh I really hate crossroads. :(( 

Ok I'm not gonna compromise.

I'm not 100% confident that I will love IB but I think must give it a try first to know whether it is the right industry for me or not. Cuz once I made the decision.. There's no turning back.. Oh o...... 

So that means, 
#1- if enter commercial bank, cannot go into IB later. 
#2- if enter IB, can still change later. 

RHB oh RHB can you please call me?? 

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