Thursday, March 27, 2014


This place is used to be a great spot for people to do their work quietly and serenely. And now I'm in starbuck studying for mid term next week and realized .. Why so bising one??!! 

Is it because the cost of living is higher now and thus Starbucks is relatively cheaper and everyone comes here.

People discussing business here, parents bring kids / grandma brings grandchildren for tea time, a group of friends come and chit chat, all sorts of formal and informal meeting... 

Ahhhh I freaking BTH the noise !! 
Want chit chat please go somewhere else.. 
So now here become the high class kopitiam for people dy. 


1 comment:

Evelyn Yang Yang said...

omg i have the same feeling as you!!! i just only discover this week that starbucks in no longer 'high class' and it is VERY VERY DAMN NOISY. MANY MANY OUTLET also same situation, full of people, dont even have enough seats and people talk super loud like kopitiam only!!!!! we have to find new place to hangout already ;/